Therapeutic Resources

20 Confession Questions
Used as a therapeutic or introspective activity to encourage self-reflection, self-awareness, and deep thinking. The questions are meant to delve into both positive and challenging aspects of a person's life, fostering a deeper understanding of their thoughts and feelings. The exercise can be done individually as a form of journaling or self-reflection, or it can be guided by a therapist or counselor in a therapeutic context.

Spiritual Gifts Profile Exam
This assessment is designed to help individuals identify and understand their spiritual gifts, which are often seen as unique abilities or talents that believers receive through the Holy Spirit. You will go through a series of questions that inquire about a your preferences, behaviors, and attitudes in various situations. Once you know your spiritual gifts, you can explore how to use them within your community, personal life, and interactions.

5 Pre-Engagement Questions
Are you dating someone and thinking about marrying them? Sit down with your significant other, and maybe include a married couple from your trusted community, to discuss these key questions about building a life built on Christ together. Taking the time to ask yourselves these serious questions before you ask that most serious question — “Will you marry me?” — can prevent the pain of major repair work later.

The Hard Work of Forgiveness
This therapy exercise is designed to help you work through the complex process of forgiving someone who has harmed you. It acknowledges that forgiveness can be challenging and emotionally demanding but can also lead to healing and emotional well-being. You can walk through this exercise, in partnership with one of our therapists, to reflect on your inner process and then connect with God about the wrongdoings.

Breaking Free of Obsessions & Compulsions
Do find yourself checking and rechecking that something was done correctly? Are you constantly cleaning the things around you to ensure they're free of germs? Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is characterized by a pattern of persistent, unwanted, thoughts, images, or urges that are often followed by repetitive behaviors or mental acts. Use this reading to learn more about OCD and how to get to the heart root of the issue.

Understanding Human Behavior
Are you looking to understand questions like "Why do I react this when that was said to me?" and "Why did they use this tone of voice in that situation?" The question "why?" can get the mind racing in a million directions. Use this article, Scripture, and guidance from the Spirit to begin diving into all the "why's" racing through your head and calm the chaos.

Words of Hope for Depression
Find a compassionate and insightful exploration of the challenges faced by those dealing with depression. On your own or with one of our trained therapists, you can walk through this article, which provides valuable words of encouragement and support for those navigating the often overwhelming journey of living with depression. Discover hope for a brighter and more manageable future through Christ.

Physical vs Heart Wounds
Explore the difference between physical and emotional wounds. Identify, explore, compare, and understand the causes and healing that comes with each type of wound. Through a one-on-one discipleship relationship with one of our therapists, uncover the deep roots associated with emotional trauma to find true freedom that comes with living a life focused on Jesus. Use this resource as a guide for your discussions and exploration.

The Feeling Wheel
A visual tool used in therapy to help individuals identify their emotions, the Feeling Wheel is designed to assist you in pinpointing and understanding the complex array of feelings you might be experiencing. The categories start broad and narrow down into subcategories and then into detailed emotions to better help you understand what feeling was brought up.

View of Self
Oftentimes, we aren't aware when our core hurts and views of ourselves are hurting us, affecting our coping mechanisms in different situations. Use this resource in tandem with your Hall Counseling therapist to turn those implicit behaviors into ones you can recognize and correct.

Uncovering Unconscious Beliefs
We want our patients to understand the weight behind their hurtful childhood experiences and other impactful life moments. The Trauma Egg was developed by Marilyn Murray to help you uncover the beliefs that have been affected by those past experiences. This tool is useful for processing all levels of trauma, either with a group or in individual therapy. Before your appointment, your therapist will have you draw your trauma egg in order to walk through it with you during your next session.

Connecting With Your Nervous System
We live in a world separated from God — full of pain and danger — which causes us to create learned patterns when faced with times of trouble. We want to help you understand your body and reactions to what you're feeling when thrust into survival mode. Hand in hand with your therapist, this tool will help you become more aware of your body's habitual patterns of response.

Intuitive Eating Assessment
Intuitive eating is an approach to nutrition that encourages people to listen to their body's hunger and fullness cues. This assessment is a way to gauge your current practices and mindset related to food and eating. Our goal of an is to help you gain insight into your eating habits and attitudes, identify areas where you may need to make changes, and develop a more intuitive and healthy relationship with food.

Self-Care as Good Stewardship
We are meant to live like Jesus did. Walking on Earth, loving God, and caring for those around us. Self-care is based on the principle that we are made in the likeness of God; we are not God. Caring for yourself is a form of humility, putting your needs before God. This resource walks through the five domains of life that need to be attuned and attended to on a regular basis with the help of the Lord.

Listening With the Heart
We've all heard that effective communication can make or break relationships. But it's important to recognize that we all communicate differently and have different needs. This chapter will help you have a deeper understanding of the process behind communication. With assistance from our therapists, you can continually discover the ways communication in your relationships is evolving.

First Steps to Calming Anxiety
When faced with anxiety, it can be hard to focus on how to calm it without knowing a few techniques. Use this guided resources to walk through a deep breathing exercise and take charge of your thoughts. It's always handy to have this and more resources in your back pocket for the next time you need to manage your anxiety. Reach out to one of our therapists to learn more.

Beck's Depression Inventory
This is a widely utilized self-report questionnaire designed by psychiatrist Aaron T. Beck to measure the severity of depression. Comprising 21 items, each representing distinct depressive symptoms, respondents select from four statements to describe their experiences over the past two weeks. The cumulative score provides an overall measure of depression severity.

Looking for a resource not here?
If you haven't found the specific resource you're looking for or if you feel the need for assistance or a conversation with one of our therapists, we encourage you to reach out via email. Your well-being is important to us, and our team is here to provide support and guidance.

Interested in counseling services focused on Christ and the redemption he brings to us? Book an appointment with one of our compassionate therapists and meet on a schedule that works with your needs.